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Research and Advocacy

The Mobility Clinic offers, and celebrates, research and advocacy opportunities. See below for a list of research publications by Mobility Clinic professionals, information on the Circulus SCI Primary Care Network (including links to view our past webinars), and an introduction to our Mobility Clinic Resource Abilities Council.

Shoulder Treatment


Milligan J, Lee J, Smith M, Donaldson L, Athanasopoulos P, Bassett-Spiers K, Howcroft J, Howcroft JW, Jeji T, Joshi PB, Mehan U, Noonan V. (2018). Advancing primary and community care for persons with spinal cord injury: Key findings from a Canadian summit. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 43(2): 223-233.


Lee L, Patel T, Hillier LM, Locklin J, Milligan J, Pefanis J, Costa A, Lee J, Slonim K, Giangregorio L, Hunter S, Keller H, Boscart V. (2018). Frailty Screening and Case-Finding for Complex Chronic Conditions in Older Adults in Primary Care. Geriatrics. 3(39): 2-20.


Lofters A, Chaudhry M, Slater M, Schuler A, Milligan J, Lee J, Guilcher S. (2018). Preventive care among primary care patients living with spinal cord injury. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 42(6): 702-708.


Patel T, Milligan J, Lee J. (2017). Medication-related problems in individuals with spinal cord injury in a primary care-based clinic. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 40(1): 54-61.


Lee J, Milligan J, Smith M, Athanasopoulos P, Jeji T, Howcroft J, Howcroft J. (2017). Spinal cord injury primary care and community support summit: proceedings and recommendations. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 40(6): 857-858.


Milligan J, Lee J, Hillier LM, Slonim K. (2017). Mobility clinic team composition: optimizing care for

individuals with spinal cord injury. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 40(6): 827-828.


Milligan J, Hillier LM, Bauman C, Donaldson L, Lee J. (2017). Spinal cord injury primary care: needs

assessment from multiple perspectives. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 40(6): 827.


Lee L, Patel T, Hillier LM, Milligan J. (2016). Office-Based Case Finding for Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease in Older Adults in Primary Care. Canadian Respiratory Journal. 2016: 1-8.


McMillan C, Lee J, Milligan J, Hillier LM, Bauman C. (2016). Physician perspectives on care of individuals with severe mobility impairments in primary care in Southwestern Ontario Canada. Health and Social Care in the Community. 24(4): 463-472.


Milligan J, Lee J. (2016). Enhancing primary care for persons with spinal cord injury: More than improving physical accessibility. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 39(5): 496-499.


Bauman CA, Milligan J, Lebreche T, Riva J. (2016). Nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma: a case report from the patient perspective. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies. 24(12): 1-6.


Lofters A, Guilcher S, Maulkhan N, Milligan J, Lee J. (2016). Patients living with disabilities: the need for high-quality primary care. Can Fam Physician. 62(8): 457-64.

Gibbs JC, McArthur C, Milligan J, Clemson L, Lee L, Boscart VM, Heckman G, Rojas-Fernandez C, Stolee P, Giangregorio L. (2015). Measuring the implementation of a group-based Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise (Mi-LiFE) intervention delivered in primary care for older adults aged 75 years or older: a pilot feasibility study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 1(20): 1-17.


Moore C, Lee J, Milligan J, Giangregorio L. (2015). Physical Activity as Medicine among Family Health Teams: An Environmental Scan of Physical Activity Services in an Interdisciplinary Primary Care

Setting. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 40(3): 302-305.


McArthur C, Gibbs J, Papaioannou A, Hirdes J, Milligan J, Berg K, Giangregorio L. (2015). Scoping review of physical rehabilitation interventions in long-term care: protocol for tools, models of delivery, outcomes and quality indicators. BMJ open. 5(6): e007528.


Pritchard S, Lee J, Milligan J, McMillan C. (2014). Making your office accessible for patients with mobility impairments. Canadian Family Physician. 60(3): 253-254.


Bauman CA, Milligan J, Patel T, Pritchard S, Labreche T, Dillon-Martin S, Ilich A, Riva JJ. (2014).

Community-based falls prevention: lessons from an interprofessional mobility clinic. The Journal of the

Canadian Chiropractic Association. 58(3): 300-311.


Lee J, Milligan J, Hillier L, McMillan C. (2014). Evaluation of a primary care-based mobility clinic: Improving health care for individuals with mobility impairments in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation. 13(1).


Lee J, Milligan J, Hillier LM, McMillan, C. (2013). Enhancing care for individuals with mobility impairments: Lessons learned in the implementation of a primary care–based mobility clinic. Healthcare Quarterly. 16(2): 49-54.


Bauman C, Milligan J, Lee J, Riva J. (2012). Autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injury patients: an

overview. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 56(4): 247-250.


Milligan J, Lee J, McMillan C, Klassen H. (2012). Autonomic dysreflexia: recognizing a common serious condition in patients with spinal cord injury. Canadian Family Physician. 58(8): 831-835.


Milligan J, Goetz LL, Kennelly, MJ. (2020). A primary care provider’s guide to management of neurogenic lower urinary tract disfunction and urinary tract infection after spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation (American Spinal Injury Association). 26(2):108-115.


Milligan J, Ryan K, Fehlings M, Bauman C. (2019). Degenerative cervical myelopathy: Diagnosis and management in primary care. Canadian Family Physician. 65(9):619-624.


Milligan J, Ryan K, Lee J. (2019). Demystifying spasticity in primary care. Canadian Family Physician. 65(10):697-703.


Milligan J, Lee J, Hillier LM, Slonim K, Craven C. (2018). Improving primary care for persons with spinal cord injury: Development of a toolkit to guide care. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 43(3)364-373.


McMillan C, Milligan J, Hillier LM, Bauman C, Donaldson L, Lee J. (2020). Why do challenges still exist in primary care for patients with spinal cord injury: Exploring the medical model through a social disability lens. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 9(4):111-137.

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Circulus SCI Primary Care Network

The Circulus SCI Primary Care Network aims to bridge gaps in primary care for individuals with spinal cord injury through research, education, increasing primary care resources, networking with various stakeholders, and general advocacy.

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The Circulus SCI Primary Care Network is co-chaired by Dr. James Milligan (left) and Dr. Joe Lee (right), both from the Centre for Family Medicine (CFFM).

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The Circulus SCI Primary Network serves to:

  • Support a Canada wide collaborative network of individuals from all stakeholders including people with lived experience, clinicians, educators, researchers, policy makers and others interested in improving primary care for individuals with spinal cord injury.

  • Develop and disseminate best primary care practices and assist in knowledge translation.

  • Establish a standard of care in primary care for individuals with SCI nationally.

  • Promote knowledge sharing and collaboration in primary care for individuals with SCI through a multi-pronged approach, including, and not limited to, education, research projects and summits.


The Circulus SCI Primary Network encourages participation from a variety of group and individuals

  • Individuals with lived experience with SCI and care providers instrumental to the understanding of barriers to care and how to best understand their needs and align primary care initiatives.

  • Individuals representing historically disadvantaged populations.

  • Primary care clinicians and other clinicians interested in spinal cord injury.

  • Researchers with expertise in SCI and health economic data.

  • Community organizations such as Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.

  • Research funders such as Ontario Neuro-Trauma Foundation and Praxis.

  • Health care leadership, administration, and policy makers.


Any others who wish to promote primary care for individuals with spinal cord injury.


The Circulus SCI Primary Network provides a variety of learning, research and knowledge exchange activities including:

  • Periodic summits that will focus on the network’s knowledge translation and priority alignment.

  • Information dissemination and interaction with the community through social media and other communication channels such as newsletter emails, educational videos.

  • Interactive webinars that will encourage dialogue, knowledge sharing and dissemination of best practices.

  • Collective Research

  • The development of national primary care guidelines for spinal cord injury.


January 10, 2024: "Nutrition after SCI: Strategies for Managing Weight and Living on a Budget," Joanne Smith, B.A., CNP.


September 13, 2023: "Why is primary care essential after spinal cord injury? Making it simple using Ideal Care Pathways," Matheus J. Wiest, PhD and Judy Gargaro.


February 1, 2023: "Cardiometabolic Risk after Spinal Cord Injury / Disease," Dr. Cathy Craven and Suban Kangatharan.


January 18, 2023: "Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries following SCI," Josh Gohl RN.


May 4, 2022: "Targeting inflammation as a means to treat neuropathic pain and depressionafter spinal cord injury," Dr. David Ditor, PhD.


March 16, 2022: "Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Strategies for Improving Wellbeing after Spinal Cord Injury," Swati Mehta, PhD, and Randy Upper, MSW.


January 19, 2022: "Chiropractic Care for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury," Dr. Craig Bauman, D.C.


November 17, 2021: "Spinal Cord Injury and Contraception," Dr. Yuyang Wang and Dr. Ashley Waddington.


September 22, 2021: "Neuropathic Pain after SCI: CANPAIN-SCI 2021 CPG Update," Dr. Eldon Loh.


September 15, 2021: Circulus SCI PCN Conference.

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